Maafkan diriku yang tak pernah muncul lagi di blog ini since last 2016. Hehehe.. Bukan sok sibuk atau belagu atau sombong, it's just.... when kerjaan lu tiap hari nulis artikel berhalaman-halaman dan still have to write another one to blog is just...... tiring. And since I now udah resign, so I think I'll be back to my old routine (semoga konsisten). Miss me enough? #kepedean
So yeah....... Hello again.
"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." -1 Corinthians 13:13.
Few years ago, pas baca ayat ini, I was wondering, kenapa ya, dibilang kalau the greatest of these is love? Kenapa cinta paling utama dan paling penting? Bukannya harusnya hope ya? When you have no hope, you'll choose death instead. When you have no faith, you have no 'pegangan.' I was wondering, why love? Bukannya hope is something that will make you keep on going, keep on moving. Then, why love?
Still can't find the answers, I decided to leave the question unanswered.
Hari ini we celebrated Good Friday. Tahun-tahun sebelumnya juga. Bedanya, tahun ini I got the answer for the question above. Why love?
Imagine, you met a guy, full of sin, full of criminal records. Penjahat super kelas kakap. One day dia dipenjara, and his father come to visit. Despite all the wrongs he did, bokapnya malah peluk dia... "Son, I love you. I love you. No matter what, you still my beloved son."
Bandingin kalau bokapnya datang ke penjara dan bilang.. "Kamu tetap harus punya pengharapan, nak!" atau "Kamu ingat, Tuhan nggak pernah tidur.". Bandingin sama kalau bokapnya ngomong, "Son, I love you.." Which one will work more? I believe the third!
Bayangin, what will he do? Dia bakal nangis sekejer-kejernya, dan I believe, dia bakal promise to himself for being a good guy after this. Gue jamin, dia bakal bertobat dan ninggalin semua crime-nya itu. Because indeed all people need is love.
I know a guy.
Dia tajir, punya bokap yang super baik. Tapi dasar nggak tahu diri, doi malah bawa kabur duit bokapnya dan ngabisin buat hal-hal nggak penting. He drunk, he wasted his dad's money on useless things. One day he broke, bangkrut sejadi-jadinya. Mau pulang ke rumah, malu dan gengsi lah. Gile..
But he had no choice, he had no money left. Udah super jadi gelandangan dan pengangguran. Di tengah keterpurukannya itu, he remembered of his dad. Dia inget bokapnya yang super mengasihi dia, yang sayang sama dia, yang peduli sama dia. That remembrance of love bikin dia akhirnya pulang, ketemu bokapnya dan as predicted, bokapnya langsung lari dan meluk anaknya. So much love for this guy!
His life written in Luke 15:11-32
Perasaan dicintai bikin kita bertekad untuk berubah.
Perasaan dicintai bikin kita bertekad untuk meninggalkan semua kebiasaan buruk kita.
Perasaan dicintai bikin kita punya alasan untuk tetap hidup.
Perasaan dicintai bikin kita punya alasan untuk melanjutkan hidup.
Remember Hulk, si Kong di film *lupa judulnya apa*, and even the Beast di Beauty and the Beast?
Mereka semua digambarkan sebagai sosok 'monster' yang susah banget ditaklukin, but only one thing yang bisa jinakin mereka, love. Ketika sang cewek masing-masing datang dan cuma dengan tatapan or sentuhan penuh cintanya, bisa bikin these beasts takluk.
Yes, that is the power of love.
And I just wanna share this thing, God loves you more than anything. Good Friday bukan cuma momen Tuhan mati di kayu salib dan selesai. Good Friday adalah momen peringatan BETAPA BESAR dan DALAMNYA KASIH TUHAN BUAT SETIAP KITA. (oke, was too excited about this).
Duh, Tuhan.. Beneran deh, gue tuh masih banyak dosa. Gue masih lakuin a,b,c,d,e,....,z yang bikin Tuhan sedih. The sentence those Priest say about "God loves you" definitely bukan buat gue. Oh, mungkin buat orang di sebelah gue yang kayaknya holy banget nih. Bukan buat gue pastinya..
These two days, untuk kesekiaaaaan ribu kalinya, Tuhan mengingatkan gue akan satu hal, Tuhan sayang sama gue, no matter what I did, no matter how many wrongs I've made. Ketika gue sadar hal itu, gue 100% bertekad dan berkomitmen untuk nggak lagi bikin Dia kecewa dan sedih. Nggak mau lagi ngecewain Tuhan. That simple!
And that was Good Friday is all about..
"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16)
For God so loved me!
For God so loved you!
Jadikan momen Good Friday ini jadi momen kita buat merenung.
Percaya deh, these few months lately, I wasn't that worth to love.
I made lots of sins.
I made lots of wrong things.
But what,
God still loves me.
Setelah gue renungin,
Gue dikasih kerjaan baru yang benefitnya lebih oke.
Gue tetep dijaga, kesehatan gue baik-baik aja, my family okay, my friends too.
Gue masih bisa nafas, gue masih bisa jalan-jalan, makan enak.
Gue bahkan bisa liburan ke Bali. (Bisa aja Tuhan muak sama gue and made the airplane lost somehow HEHE)
Intinya, Tuhan sayang sama gue!
And the moment I realize, is the moment I have promised myself not to do the wrongs again.
So now,
Do you know, God loves you?
Do you know, even lu bikin dosa sejibun, God loves you?
Do you know, even lu jadi manusia paling ngeselin di muka bumi, God loves you?
Do you know, the God of Heaven and earth, loves you?
Btw, nyepi kemarin gue ada di Bali. And I see those super clear sky yang ditaburi bintang. You will never see those kind of sky di Jakarta karena banyak polusi udara dan polusi cahaya. Tapi waktu di Bali, pas satu Bali matiin lampu karena lagi nyepi, bintang di langit kelihatan semua. Dan indahnya............ ya Tuhan. Gue ampe mau mewek. Sadly nggak bisa difoto sama kamera gue yang seadanya itu. But hey! Tuhan pencipta langit dan bintang yang super indah itu, sayang sama lu dan gue yang penuh dosa! Isn't it beautiful?
You put Your love on the line
To bear the weight of sin that was mine
Washing my river of wrongs
Into the sea of Your infinite love
With arms held high
Lord I give my life
Knowing I'm found in Christ
In Your love forever
With all I am
In Your grace I stand
The greatest of all romance
Love of God my Saviour
Mercy roars like hurricane winds
Furious love laid waste to my sin
To the one who has rescued my soul
To the one who has welcomed me home
To the one who is Savior of all
I sing forever (Love on the Line - Hillsong Worship)
ps: sorry kepanjangan. Duh!
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