I'm sorry for the capslock! HEHE
But here it is.... finally setelah 8 tahun blogging, you don't have to type www.storyaboutteen.blogspot.com to jump in to my blog. Now you can only type WWW.STORYABOUTTEEN.COM. yeaaaay.. Yes, I'm buying a domain! *niat ya*
It's counted also as a push supaya gwe semakin rajin menulis. I don't know if you ever read how this blog was made, soalnya kayaknya gwe pernah ngepost tapi lupa judul postingannya apa.
Long short story, blog ini bermula dari 2009 dimana gwe abis putus cinta kala itu. Gwe menumpahkan perasaan gwe di diary, buku biasa yang akhirnya dibaca sama nyokap dan malah kena omel karena ketahuan pacaran. Pft. Di saat-saat itulah temen gwe nawarin bikin blog, katanya gak bakal mungkin dibaca nyokap because orangtua mana saat itu yang paham soal internet dan blog.
So I started to write at that moment, awalnya kisah-kisah sedih patah hati doang. Tapi lama-lama kok malu sendiri ya. Then I started to write better things, better articles. And here I am, 8 years later. I'm still trying to write meski udah (sok) sibuk. HEHE.
Btw, that moment taught me many things. Salah satunya adalah to open my eyes to realize that I have capability to write. Gak mau sombong, but in my 8 years journey of writing, I have received a lot of messages, email, Instagram DMs from my friends to strangers how they're blessed by my writing.
All glory to God. That was what they called mess into message, test into testimony. Soalnya kalau dulu gwe ga patah hati, I will never write a blog and I will never know that my passion is in WRITING.
Yeah... So here I am.... Thank you for read this! Thank you if you are one of those people who stick with me for years. Or even if you are newbie to this blog, enjoy reading all my upside down journey, with Christ especially.
Oh ya, and why STORY ABOUT TEEN? Because I was a TEENager back then, gwe cuma mau encourage orang-orang saat itu kalau, kalian gak sendirian. Karena admit it, momen remaja itu momen paling rumit. Momen di mana kita aja gak paham sama diri kita sendiri.
The other reason is because people call me Teen (alias Titin) HEHE. Ini versi keren aja dibuat jadi teen. So, yes, it's about my story that I wish can be a lesson learnt, an encouragement for my reader.
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