02 April 2015


So here I am, took a major decision in my career path, brace myself to leave all my comfortability behind. Crazy best colleagues, 5-minutes-only distance from my house to office, supportive ambience of working place. Sometimes thoughts coming in whether it is a right choice or what, but hey, Einstein once said 'a ship is always safe at shore, but it is not what its built for'. So here I am, ready to face the raging sea of this exciting new journey (and traffic). Ganbatte ne! -@msteeteen

Iya, ceritanya beberapa waktu lalu saya mengambil langkah yang cukup tangguh dan besar untuk pindah kerja, dari kantoran yang cuma beda 5 menit dari rumah, masuk jam 8, saya bangun jam 7.30 keluar dari rumah jam 7.50. Sekarang saya harus bangun jam 5 pagi dan jam 6 pagi udah nangkring di bus menuju Kuningan :")

Meninggalkan comfort zone itu bener-bener susah cyin. Baru seminggu di tempat baru ini, udah kebayang-bayang betapa enaknya di kantor yang lama, betapa asiknya temen-temen yang dulu, betapa gak harus sesusah ini. Tapi apa daya if your deepest heart knows you have to leave all the comfortability behind in order to let God do more amazing things in you and through you. 

Jadi, disinilah saya sekarang, just enjoy everything and looking forward to what God will do. Semangat!

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Jerrytrisya said...

You're moving onward and upward. There's nothing better to mature up a person than facing the challenges of secular workplace and kuningan traffic!